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    About Gladiatrix | History and Mission of Gladiatrix ®

    Empowering women in combat sports with specialized equipment

    We design and manufacture combat sports accessories adapted to women's measurements, with the aim of making them accessible to everyone.

    Now everyone will want to fight like us!

    the founder of Gladiatrix Barbara sitting in the gym with black boxing gloves

    Bárbara Quecedo Urtizberea

    Founder and Growth Hacker

    Why for girls?

    “Después de 5 años practicando boxeo, no encontraba productos adecuados para mi; por eso, decidí dar un paso al frente y empezar a crear equipamiento enfocado en nosotras.

    Diseñé las primeras vendas y guantes adaptados a las manos de las mujeres y les dibujé unas tetas y purpurina. Esa idea terminó siendo todo un éxito y me demostró que es un problema compartido por TODAS en TODO el mundo.”

    The great forgotten in this industry

    From patterns and sizes designed for men's measurements that are then sold as standard for women , to a user experience and sports offer that does not match our tastes and needs.

    This lack of consideration results in limited visibility for women in boxing and few opportunities to excel in the industry.

    an arrow pointing down and the word solution

    La marca de accesorios
    de deportes de combate
    para chicas

    Artículos deportivos adaptados a nuestras necesidades anatómicas, junto con un diseño, experiencia de usuario y oferta que cumple nuestras necesidades y aspiraciones. 

    Una comunidad en la que nos apoyamos para seguir practicando este deporte que tanto nos gusta y nos aporta.

    Our gloves vs. standard gloves
    Our gloves vs. standard gloves
    How do we do it? Our process
    How do we do it? Our process

    Our values

    Community Value
    Value Inclusivity
    Value Transparency
    Courage Courage
    Value Growth
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