Empowering women in combat sports with specialized equipment

We design and manufacture combat sports accessories adapted to women's measurements, with the aim of making them accessible to everyone.

Now everyone will want to fight like us!

The great forgotten in this industry

From patterns and sizes designed for men's measurements that are then sold as standard for women , to a user experience and sports offer that does not match our tastes and needs.

This lack of consideration results in limited visibility for women in boxing and few opportunities to excel in the industry.

an arrow pointing down and the word solution
photo cluster of girls with boxing equipment

A community for women

Sports items adapted to our anatomical needs, along with a design, user experience and offer that meets our needs and aspirations. 

A community in which we support each other to continue practicing this sport that we like so much and that gives us so much.

cluster of photos with people with boxing equipment Gladiatrix
the founder of Gladiatrix Barbara sitting in the gym with black boxing gloves

Bárbara Quecedo Urtizberea


“I found in boxing a way to embrace and develop a part of me that I had not managed to exploit. It gave me confidence and poise, made me braver and helped me manage my emotions better.

However, I couldn't find products that were suitable for me; For this reason, I decided to take a step forward and start creating equipment focused on us, so that all people can practice combat sports.”

Meet our team

the founder of Gladiatrix Barbara sitting in the gym with black boxing gloves

Bárbara Quecedo Urtizberea


The world is of the brave.

photo Veja graphic designer

Veja Zilakauskaite

Graphic Designer

In constant search for opportunities to create a more positive and sustainable world.

Our values

Community Value
Value Inclusivity
Value Transparency
Courage Courage
Value Growth
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