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    How to put handwraps boxing -
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    How to put handwraps boxing

    Before putting on boxing gloves and training, we should secure our wrists and knuckles with handwraps. The hands are wrapped with a thin handwrap that protects the tendons and muscles, and adds additional support to wrist movements. In addition, boxing wraps have a Velcro strap on one end so that the handwrap can be attached to itself. Read on to learn how to put on handwraps before your workout.

    In today's article I explain how to put some handwraps boxing, perfect whether you are a beginner or not.

    1. Choose the correct bandage. There are different types of handwraps and it is important to choose one that suits the size of your hands and the type of boxing you are trying to do. Here I explain the different materials that exist and the most popular ones:
      • The handwraps cotton come in adult and youth sizes and secure with Velcro on one end. Although they exist, they are not the best option since they do not fit properly in the hand.
      • The handwraps semielastic are similar to handwraps cotton but they are woven with elastic fibers, so they mold to the hand more easily. The handwraps Boxing elastics are much quicker to put on, and always keep the bones and joints in place, since the cotton ones deteriorate over time and take on more slack. Therefore, these are the most popular among those of us who practice boxing. In Gladiatrix , you'll find handwraps boxing of this style, take a look and choose the one you like the most.
      • The handwraps to compete they are composed of gauze and tape. The boxing rules specify the exact amount that can be used to ensure that each boxer has the same amount of padding. Since the bandages are not reusable, they are not practical to use in daily training. As a curiosity, I will tell you that the technique of wrap for the handwraps To compete is also different and someone else has to help you.
    2. Choose your size. For those who have especially small hands, it is better to buy a shorter boxing wrap than to secure a normal wrap several times. A normal wrap will bunch up the inside of the boxing glove on a small hand, making it more difficult to control the gloves.
      • You'll find handwraps from 2.5 meters (children), 3.5 meters or 4 meters and 4.5 meters or 5 meters , and even more than 5 meters.
      • The standard length for adults is 180″ (approximately 4.50 meters) and they provide the greatest degree of support and protection. There are the junior standard ones or the so-called « handwraps for MMA", which measure 3.50 meters, which are used by people with small hands or are used with MMA gloves.
      • In Gladiatrix , all handwraps boxing rings are 4.5 meters since, as a general rule, our hands are not as big as men's, and they are long enough to make a good wrap . You can see our range of handwraps boxing here .
    3. wrap your using the correct tension and with a straight hand and wrist. He wrap The hand grip should be designed to provide stability to the hand and wrist, but if it is too tight it can cut off circulation or cause discomfort during training. However, when we are injured, we must insist on blocking the wrist well so that it is well supported, and use tape or tape if necessary.

    In this video you will see how to put some handwraps boxing:

    1. Place your thumb through the hole at the end of the wrap , it is located on the opposite end of the Velcro. Make sure the back of the wrap be against your hand; if you roll the wrap the other way around you'll have trouble holding it when you're done. The label of Gladiatrix will be exposed, so that side has to face up.
    2. Wrap the bandage. Wrap the bandage around the back of your wrist 3 or 4 times, depending on the size of your hands and the level of stability you want to have. Finish the wrap inside your wrist.
      If you realize that you need to add or reduce the size of the wrap At the end, adjust the number of times you wrap your wrist.
    3. wrap your hand. Pull the bandage around the back of your hand, over the area just above your thumb, and across the palm of your hand to the other side. Sell the same place three times, ending with the wrap on the inside of your hand near the thumb.
    4. Wrap your thumb. Start by wrapping your wrist once, ending with the wrap near your thumb. Roll the handwrap from the bottom of your thumb to the top, then back to the bottom. Finish by wrapping your wrist one more time.
    5. wrap your fingers. Starting on the inside of the wrist, roll the bandage as follows to secure the fingers at the base:
      Wrap the bandage from the inside of your wrist to the top of your hand and between your little finger and ring finger.
      Bandage again from the inside of the wrist on top of the hand and between the ring finger and middle finger.
      Bandage again from the inside of the wrist on the top of the hand, between the middle finger and index finger. It ends on the inside of the wrist.
    6. Wrap your hand again. Start by wrapping the wrist, then handwrap diagonally from the inside of the wrist to the outside of the hand. Continue the wrap across the palm of the hand and just above your thumb. Repeat until you have used the entire handwrap, then finish with a final wrap around the wrist.
    7. Secure the wrap . Attach the Velcro to secure it in place. Flex your hand and throw a couple of punches to determine if it's comfortable. If he wrap is too tight or too loose, do it again.
    8. Repeat with the other hand. It can be difficult to do the wrap using the hand you don't master at first, but you will get it after a little practice. If you need help, ask your coach or partner to do it for you.
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